At New Hope we believe that part of Christian growth is identifying an individual’s strengths, interests and passions, then helping them to channel that energy into fruitful service. A person who can serve by using their particular talent will enjoy what they are doing more fully, and will give of their time, talents and ability more abundantly because they have a true sense of “mission.” It’s amazing what someone can do when on fire for the Lord. At New Hope we find a flame and fan it! Below are a few ministries that have started, not by church committees, but by individuals passionate about serving God…
- C.I.A. Rotation Sunday School (Christian Intelligence Agency) for children in grades 1 – 6. These “Special Agents” meet every Sunday morning at 8:50 a.m. Breakfast is served to the children starting at 8:30. See our separate C.I.A. page, and for more information contact Robert Haynes at
- J.A.M. Kids! (Jesus and Me) is New Hope’s preschool ministry on Sunday mornings at 9:00. Please contact Lee Ann Crosslin or Lisa Thompson for more information.
- Christian Beginners is our nursery/toddler Sunday School program at 9:00, shepherded by Mary Thompson.
- Cumberland Presbyterian Women’s Ministry (CPWM) meets at various times throughout the year.
- Men’s Community Prayer Breakfast meets the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM in the church kitchen. This is a great opportunity for some man who might not regularly attend a Sunday service to become part of a body of believers in a relaxed and informal setting.
- Compassionate Hands is a vital community outreach ministry that is city-wide and helps to shelter the homeless during the coldest months of the year.
- Van Ministry brings many of our wonderful children from surrounding neighborhoods to the church for Sunday School and other church events.
There are many opportunities to use the various gifts God has blessed us with. Here is an additional partial list of ministries at New Hope where you can receive a blessing by “fanning your flame” for God:
- Praying for your church
- Member Care/Stephen Ministry
- C.I.A. Rotation Sunday School (Teachers, Shepherds, Planners)
- J.A.M. Kids (Jesus And Me) Pre-school Sunday School
- Attend Adult Sunday School (3 classes)
- Nursery Ministry (attendants and helpers)
- Community Outreach/Evangelism/Visitation
- Church Website (and Facebook page) and Networking
- Saturday Men’s Prayer Group
- Wednesday Evening Bible Study/Instruction
- Sanctuary Choir
- Music Ministry
- Worship Ministry
- Acolyte team
- Ushers/Greeters
- Chancel Guild (work to maintain chancel area)
- Church Grounds and Maintenance
- Sound and Light ministry
- Kitchen and Hospitality Ministry
- Food Pantry
- Stewardship/Finance…and lots more!