Church Member Mail Boxes
The new member mailboxes are now in the Welcome Foyer! Many thanks to Ray and Gina Jones for crafting this lovely piece of furniture, that is functional and adds to the beauty of our Welcome Room.
We will begin using these mail boxes very soon. “What is the purpose for these? Everyone has email!” you might say. The Ministry Planning Team discussed different ways that church members could minister to one another. Email is efficient but impersonal. A card or letter still means a lot, and takes a little extra effort. So the intention is for you to drop a card or letter into someone’s box, maybe anonymously, just to let them know you are thinking of them. Or perhaps a “secret pal” gift. The fun will be in checking your mailbox each Sunday morning for those notes, cards or perhaps some communication from the pastor or church. You may have something in your box sometimes, other times you won’t. But the goal is to get better connected, and perhaps even to have some folks think “I better be at church this Sunday or Wednesday to check my box!”
The boxes will soon be numbered and every family or individual will have a numbered box. We will have a chart that shows whose box is whose. When you see Ray and Gina next time, be sure to tell them thanks for their hard work on this project!