Category: Missions

Pastor Paul’s Haiti Trip

Good morning! I wanted to share some information on my upcoming trip to Haiti and let you know how you can support me on this trip.  My travel dates have changed.  I will now be leaving Thursday, October 15 and returning Saturday, October 24.  I will be staying and working in DuFour at DuFour Cumberland Presbyterian Church where Joab St. Louis is pastor.  We will be working on trusses for a new roof.  You can support me on this trip by praying for me and the other team members.  I will share their names with you as soon as I have them.  You can help with travel expenses by making a donation to the New Hope Mission Fund. Or you can help with the expenses of ongoing projects in Haiti by making a donation to the New Hope Mission Fund.  Be sure to clearly mark your gift for travel expenses or projects. Also, I will be taking some clothes for Pastor and Madame Smith Fauvelt’s son, Smitty.  We need boys clothes 18-24 months.  Remember this is a tropical climate so summer clothing is what is needed.  You can bring those to church the next two Sundays. As always, I am very grateful for the tremendous support New Hope shows for our Haiti ministry and your support of my participation. Grace and peace, Pastor Paul

The Wilson County Community Help Center

New Hope is a proud supporter of the Wilson County Help Center. You can support the Community Help Center by bringing the following critical needs to a drop box here at New Hope EVERY Sunday (there will be a special emphasis need every month on the first Sunday). These critical needs are sent out in food boxes daily at The Help Center.

A Road for Lexi, Haiti

We are working to build a road to the isolated community of Lexi in the mountainous southern peninsula of Haiti. Travel to or from Lexi is limited to walking, horseback, or off-road motorcycle. This significantly limits their access to healthcare, markets for food and other supplies, water supply, materials needed for construction, and many other basic needs.

Community Prayer Request Box in Church Parking Lot

A Community Prayer Mailbox is another new ministry at New Hope. Some folks in our neighborhood may not have a church home, but are in need of prayer. A white mailbox has been placed in the church parking lot in which anyone in the community can drive up or walk up and leave prayer requests. These will be removed by the pastor and prayed for on Wednesday evenings and on Sunday mornings. There are paper and pens, as well as information about the church in a container under the mailbox. Tell your neighbors!

June Haiti Mission Trip Updates

Update 6/24/2017: Happy Saturday New Hope! We arrived home safely Thursday night after a very fulfilling 8 days in Haiti. We were able to see 5 of the 6 pastors, get a good start on trusses for the roof at Gris-Gris, establish some new connections with Ministry being done in another area of Haiti, and offer our love and support to Pastor Jean-Francois and Lola at the memorial service for their son.  I also took part in two Haitian weddings where I met many new people and made many new friends. Alene, Leeann, and I are very grateful for the tremendous support and the prayers of our New Hope family. I hope that others will consider joining us on a trip to Haiti. It is an experience that will change your life! I look forward to worshipping with my New Hope family tomorrow! Grace and peace, Pastor Paul

Haiti Missions Team Updates

Good evening New Hope! Alexandria and Colleen had an amazing experience on the last ministry trip to Haiti.  Here is a message from Alexandria. I am so excited to be able to share Colleen and I’s experience with you! There are never words to describe the impact that the people of Haiti, the CP ministers, and the mission team have on my faith and personal growth. Each time I have visited Haiti, I feel an immediate spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental renewal. I’ll be sharing in more detail during a special service coming up but I wanted to give you a brief overview of what we were able to accomplish in our time there.